Heel Pain, Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Spur Syndrome

Painful heels are disabling, often stopping us from enjoying daily activities. Characterised by pain first thing in the morning and after rest, heel pain is one of the most common foot complaints. Left untreated, the pain can last for years.

The plantar fascia is a long band of tissue running under the sole of the foot, which attaches to the point of the heel. This attachment can become inflamed, causing incredible pain and swelling.

Treatment can include:

  • A Biomechanical Analysis to determine the contributing factors
  • Strapping and shoe modifications
  • Physical therapies including Radial Wave Therapy
  • Laser and Ultrasound
  • Dry Needling
  • Orthotic Therapy and footwear advice
To book an appointment contact us on (07) 4154 1466 or send us an online enquiry.
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